Friday, March 13, 2009

It's finally Friday

Whoop Whoop,

Its Friday, Friday the 13th even, and my sister is coming for the weekend!
I am soooo excited. They will be here tonight around 7, so the kids can have a little while together before bed. Then we will be on the 8:30 train tomorrow morning headed for downtown Chicago. Tryton LOVES trains, and I cant wait to see his reaction to riding a real train. Cassie and I are taking the girls to the American Girl store, and Mike and Chris are going to watch them die the Chicago river green. We will hopefully meet up with George sometime Sat. Then Sat night we are going to have a poker night with the neighbors. Sunday morning we have to be at church because Brandon has a small solo in the choir. And it sounds like Carol and Jim will be able to come with. So this will be a really fun, busy weekend.

Lots of Love,

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