Friday, March 6, 2009

It's finally Friday

This has been a horrible week for me.
Not only did my friend from school Micah die, and I couldnt go to the funeral, but we also had to put our dog Capone down. It's been a very sad and difficult week for us.

But now, its Friday, and I am looking forward to spending the weekend with my sister Cassie. They are all moved into a house in Milwaukee and I cant wait to go see her. The house they are currently in is on a lake, and Mike cant wait to take the kids fishing. Ashlyn is looking forward to seeing her "friends". Mike now works for Harley and has bought the kids each something Harley. I havent told them yet, so he can surprise them. Cassie is getting eye surgery to correct her vision tonight, and we will be going up first thing in the morning.

Here's to a better weekend.

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