We had such a wonderful Christmas and New Year.
My parents came up for Christmas eve and stayed the night.
Christmas eve we have always had the tradition of opening up Christmas PJ's.
We had fun opening up the gifts and had everyone set in red PJ's for the morning.
Brandon put out some reindeer food and heard some sleigh bells in the distance.
He ran inside and told Kathryn to get her butt in bed cuz he heard bells and Santa wont come unless your sleeping. Katey of course plays along with him and runs up to bed. We put out all the presents and the stockings and headed to bed ourselves.
Christmas morning was a blast. Santa filled stockings for all of us, including Grammie and Papa, and boy did we have a TON of presents. Grammie and Papa had a blast watching the kids open all their gifts. Then we loaded up and headed into the Quad Cities to have more Christmas fun with Chris' side of the family. Mom and Dad got to spend the day with Alex and Barbie and the kids.
Chris' family always has full day holiday's. You can come for lunch, dinner, or both. They always play games and its such a nice long fun filled day of hanging with family. This year, Chris decided to make matching stockings for his whole family. We always hand out gift cards and small gifts or pictures, and he thought it might be cool to fill everyone's stockings with these small gifts and it would look awesome above the fireplace. Oh man, they looked so great, and I think it was a hit with everyone. We spent the whole day hanging out, and even got to play my favorite game Cranium, and then Carol had to throw in a game of Christmas Trivia.... It was a good day.
I was lucky enough to have my 2 nephews Wed, Thurs, and Friday. Blaker and Carter really enjoy hanging out with Katey and Brandon, and they all baby Ashlyn. We stayed 2 nights at Carol and Jims and 1 night at Jen's new house. We got to visit friday night with my sister and her 3 kids and then we headed home to Chicago. We had a few days at home and then NEW YEARS EVE !!!
We invited Jen and the boys up, and our friends Crystal and Tom and their kids.
We had 7 kids running around and it was a great way to celebrate the new year.
We played phase 10, and Cranium, and counted down at 11 (East Coast new year drop) and then we sent the kiddo's to bed. Poor Tommy didnt feel well and went home, but Jen, Crystal, Chris and I counted down at Midnight, and continued playing games. Jen went to lay down, and the rest of us played Guitar Hero till about 2:30. Then we all crashed and Chris made us all breakfast in the morning.
Hope you all had a fun and safe and Happy Holiday too.
Lots of Love,
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