Good lord this boy will be the death of me I swear.
Tonight while Brandon was playing on my Gazelle he slipped and fell and the leg swung up as he was falling and slammed into his arm. He screamed his head off and then wouldnt move it. After about 1 1/2 hrs Chris and I were concerned. If you touched him anywhere on his lower arm he would say it hurt, so off to the ER we went. We signed in, took his vitals and got into a room and what do you know, he starts to move it. By the time the Xray guy brings us back for Xray's he asks Bran to put his arm up on the table and oh yeah, lifts it right up and turns and moves it no problem. I was soooooo annoyed at this point. Its always that way, you take them in and once you get there, they are fine, but of course its not until you have signed the papers and gotten into your room. So $500 later, my boy has a bruise and a really cool sling that they gave him in triage.
Im going to bed.
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