Thursday, December 11, 2008

I finished the book

I Need the next book. I swear the last few Chapters I read without breathing. I know the last few paragraphs I held my breath, and Katey noticed. She said, Man the end must be good.... breath mom, breath!

I told Katey she is staying up late to read. She must read on the bus, she must read at recess, and she must read the second she walk in the door. I want to see the movie TOMORROW NIGHT.

She wants to get the next books for Christmas, and I thought how on earth will I survive waiting till Christmas to get the next book, but if there is any way at all that we will move out of this house next weekend, I cant possibly start the next book.

Ok, I have to do some laundry, do some dishes, and get the muchkins in bed.
Lots of Love,

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